When the kids were young a favorite destination was the Children's Museum in Indianapolis. (If you have never been there I strongly urge a visit - grab the kids, or borrow some if you don't have any handy, & head over - you won't be sorry). At the end of one trip I was fascinated by a small, flat top called a "Rattleback." Like any top, it spins, but if you follow the directions & spin it clockwise, a fascinating thing happens - it stops & reverses itself. [When I know a LOT more about Blogs than I know now, I'll insert a video here, but for now you'll just have to take my word for it].
The Rattleback shudders to a stop before going in the direction that it "wants" to go. Here's what is interesting to me. If you DON'T follow directions - if you spin it counterclockwise - it will keep going merrily in that direction (until friction, etc., interferes). I'd like to offer the Rattleback as a reminder that some directions in our life need (and are worth) constant attention, AND that we need to take seriously how we're 'wired' as we face life.
This toy reminds me that there is occasionally a case for creatively ignoring instructions. If I keep bashing my head against the same figurative brick wall over & over, maybe it's because I'm trying to go in a direction for which I am fundamentally unsuited, & I might need to listen to what my body & life are telling me. Now here's where I wish that it were all as simple as just saying 'no' to directions & going with my own flow.
There are times when I need to keep nudging my life in a 'proper', clockwise direction, even if it's not what I want in the short run. If I avoid the cookies today, I'll still have to choose to eat something that won't kill me tomorrow. The trick is to only follow directions when they lead me towards light & life. Directions will always flow freely from other folks who don't have any idea which way I need to spin.
Both clockwise & counterclockwise decisions need to be part of our lives. We need to breathe out as well as breathing in. If we eliminate either one, we're quickly in trouble.
BLOG NOTE: If you are new to Leaving Nadderby, I want to urge you to click on the "Looking Back" post from February 2008 as a place to begin. Please continue to forward wildly, and many thanks for all the contacts so far, including MY FIRST LINK! While Googling, I found Leaving Nadderby linked by a good friend to his "Unnecessary Buffness" Blog - http://unnecessarybuffness.blogspot.com/- if you don't already know Jon, he is someone well worth knowing. Also, here is how to find the Indy Children's Museum - http://www.childrensmuseum.org/- Enjoy.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8hHOHDE5ahE&feature=related Here is a 30-sec video demonstrating the rattleback with a helpful British narrator.
Thanks for the kind words and the link. It's always great to find a new post on your blog.
You can tell that you have some practice in the speech department. I will check out that mueseum though. ~Kim
It's so good to see you writing again! I've always enjoyed reading your thoughts, so keep on going! Your sis
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