Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Rest Stops & Un-rest Stops

There were times in my childhood when the sound of a car's blinker sounded like Heaven.

When our Dad would drive us from Ohio to Oklahoma in the '60s, the trip would begin at 4:30 a.m. We would be transferred from bed to the back seat and he would aim the car down the road as far as humanly possible (& occasionally beyond). This mode of travel focused on gobbling up the miles, not sightseeing, which meant that he left many Rest Stops in his wake. The signs would appear promising an oasis of green, a chance to move, and some cool shade (in those pre-AC days), in addition to the all-important restroom, and then, as the road widened into an exit lane, Dad would drive right by - it often seemed to me that he even accelerated just a bit, to forestall whining or hope from the back seat.

Oh, but when we heard that turn signal begin to click & felt the car slowing . . . (!) - we would scramble to get our shoes back on and the anticipation was wonderful. As a kid I could never figure out why Dad wanted to get away from these rest areas so fast. Now I know that they are not places to set up camp - they are there to help make the journey possible. They are not destinations.

I want to share some stops along the way where I have found refreshment & hope online. I urge you to pay a brief visit & let me know what you think. The first is http://www.shipoffools.com/- which bills itself as "the magazine of Christian unrest." These folks are 'survivors' of what used to be a real-world magazine that folded. It's a community of people who have both questions and faith, and who aren't afraid of either. Then, for those of you who never outgrew Mad magazine, there is http://www.wittenburgdoor.com/- which bills itself as 'pretty much the only Christian satire' magazine (this one still also exists as an actual, paper magazine, too). The writing & ideas at the Door can be uneven - it doesn't always 'work' - but when they really connect it can be beautiful.

For rest & rejuvenation, though, there is http://www.sacredspace.ie/ - a site that invites you to prayer by way of '10 minutes in front of your computer' - & which offers a daily guide through Scripture & meditation. It is literally a chance to pause & take a deep breath, and to remember who you are. Like the best rest areas, it offers beauty, it is possible to visit briefly, it can connect you with fellow travelers, and it can offer enough renewal to be brave enough for the next steps on the journey. A taste of Heaven can do that.
- Steve

BLOG NOTES: There should be a button at the top of your computer screen that says "Add to Favorites" - if you add "Leaving Nadderby" there, you can easily check back for new posts (and you won't have to worry about how to spell 'Nadderby'). I'm still learning how to get word out about this, so let me urge you to Forward liberally. For now I will be working on a list & notifying folks by email. Thanks for your notes & encouragement as this begins.


Kj said...

There's a decent-sized collection of Mike Yaconelli's columns, which are good for both rest and unrest. (Mike was a founder of The Wittenburg Door and Youth Specialties, and is definitely worth reading up on if you've never encountered him.)

Keep up the posts! I'm checking once or twice a day!

Kj said...

^ This was me if the name is getting mixed up

Christy said...

you can go to google reader and put a thing on your blog to have people "subscribe" and they get an email every time you post.

(I found you through Jonathan)

Mary said...

My, my does that bring back memories! Mary